Maintainer's Usage Example
Igir has many options available to fit almost any use case, but the number of options can be overwhelming. So that begs a question: how do I, the maintainer of Igir, use Igir in the real world?
Primary ROM library
I have a 4TiB external hard drive that I use as my source of truth where I store all of my DATs, ROMs, and patches. In general, I'm more interested in cartridge-based consoles for space-saving reasons, but I have some optical-based ROMs.
The file tree in that hard drive looks like this:
├── FBNeo
│ ├── Arcade
│ └── Neogeo
├── No-Intro
│ ├── Nintendo - Game Boy
│ ├── Nintendo - Game Boy Advance
│ ├── Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (Multiboot)
│ ├── Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (Video)
│ ├── Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (e-Reader)
│ ├── Nintendo - Game Boy Color
│ └── etc...
├── No-Intro Love Pack (PC XML) (2023-01-29).zip
├── Patches
│ ├── gb
│ ├── gba
│ ├── gbc
│ ├── genesis
│ └── snes
├── Redump
│ ├── Microsoft - Xbox - BIOS Images
│ ├── Nintendo - GameCube
│ ├── Sony - PlayStation - BIOS Images
│ └── Sony - PlayStation 2 - BIOS Images
├── Redump (2023-01-29).zip
├── TOSEC - DAT Pack - Complete (3530) (TOSEC-v2022-07-10).zip
The root directory has a DAT zip and subdirectory for each DAT release group. This helps separate differing quality of DATs and different DAT group ROM naming schemes. I then have one subdirectory for each game console, using the --dir-dat-name
script helps me keep this collection organized and merge new ROMs into it. The complete source is:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# @param {...string} $@ Input directories to merge into this collection
set -euo pipefail
# shellcheck disable=SC2064
trap "cd \"${PWD}\"" EXIT
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
# Treat every CLI argument as an input directory
for INPUT in "$@"; do
INPUTS+=(--input "${INPUT}")
# Cartridge-based consoles, 1st-5th generations
npx --yes igir@latest move zip test clean report \
--dat "./No-Intro*.zip" \
--dat-name-regex-exclude "/encrypted|source code/i" \
--input "./No-Intro/" \
"${INPUTS[@]:-}" \
`# Trust checksums in archive headers, don't checksum archives (we only care about the contents)` \
--input-checksum-max CRC32 \
--input-checksum-archives never \
--patch "./Patches/" \
--output "./No-Intro/" \
--dir-dat-name \
--overwrite-invalid \
--zip-exclude "*.{chd,iso}" \
--reader-threads 4 \
# Disc-based consoles, 4th+ generations
npx --yes igir@latest move test clean report \
--dat "./Redump*.zip" \
--dat-name-regex-exclude "/Dreamcast/i" \
--input "./Redump/" \
"${INPUTS[@]}" \
`# Let maxcso calculate CSO CRC32s, don't checksum compressed discs (we only care about the contents)` \
--input-checksum-max CRC32 \
--input-checksum-archives never \
--patch "./Patches/" \
--output "./Redump/" \
--dir-dat-name \
--overwrite-invalid \
--only-retail \
--single \
--prefer-language EN \
--prefer-region USA,WORLD,EUR,JPN \
--prefer-revision newer \
# Dreamcast (because TOSEC catalogs chdman-compatible .gdi files and Redump catalogs .bin/.cue)
npx --yes igir@latest move test clean report \
--dat "./TOSEC*.zip" \
--dat-name-regex "/Dreamcast/i" \
--dat-combine \
--input "./TOSEC/" \
"${INPUTS[@]}" \
--input-checksum-archives never \
--patch "./Patches/" \
--output "./TOSEC/Sega Dreamcast" \
--overwrite-invalid \
--only-retail \
--single \
--prefer-language EN \
--prefer-region USA,WORLD,EUR,JPN \
--prefer-revision newer \
npx --yes igir@latest move zip test clean \
`# Official MAME XML extracted from the progetto-SNAPS archive` \
--dat "./mame*.xml" \
`# Rollback DAT downloaded from Pleasuredome` \
--dat "./MAME*Rollback*.zip" \
--input "./MAME/" \
"${INPUTS[@]}" \
--input-checksum-quick \
--input-checksum-archives never \
--output "./MAME/" \
--dir-dat-name \
--overwrite-invalid \
--merge-roms merged \
I then copy ROMs to other devices from this source of truth.
Analogue Pocket
See the full Analogue Pocket page for more detailed information.
I have this script
at the root of my Analogue Pocket's SD card:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
# shellcheck disable=SC2064
trap "cd \"${PWD}\"" EXIT
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
npx igir@latest copy extract test clean \
--dat "${SOURCE}/No-Intro*.zip" \
--dat-name-regex-exclude "/headerless|OSTs/i" \
--input "${SOURCE}/No-Intro/" \
--input-exclude "${SOURCE}/No-Intro/Atari - 7800 (BIN)/" \
--input-exclude "${SOURCE}/No-Intro/Commodore - Amiga*/**" \
--input-exclude "${SOURCE}/No-Intro/Nintendo - Nintendo - Family Computer Disk System (QD)/" \
--input-exclude "${SOURCE}/No-Intro/Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (e-Reader)/" \
--input-checksum-quick \
--patch "${SOURCE}/Patches/" \
--output "./Assets/{pocket}/common/" \
--dir-letter \
--dir-letter-limit 1000 \
`# Leave BIOS files alone` \
--clean-exclude "./Assets/*/common/*.*" \
--clean-exclude "./Assets/*/common/Palettes/**" \
--overwrite-invalid \
--no-bios \
--no-bad \
--single \
--prefer-language EN \
--prefer-region USA,WORLD,EUR,JPN \
--prefer-revision newer \
--prefer-retail \
That lets me create an EN+USA preferred 1G1R set for my Pocket on the fly, making sure I don't delete BIOS files needed for each core.
See the full GameCube page for more detailed information.
I have this script
at the root of my GameCube SD2SP2 SD card:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
# shellcheck disable=SC2064
trap "cd \"${PWD}\"" EXIT
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
npx --yes igir@latest copy test clean report \
--dat "${SOURCE}/Redump*.zip" \
--dat-name-regex "/GameCube/i" \
--input "${SOURCE}/Redump/Nintendo - GameCube" \
--input-checksum-quick \
--input-checksum-archives never \
--patch "${SOURCE}/Patches" \
--output "./Games/" \
--dir-letter \
--overwrite-invalid \
--filter-regex-exclude "/(Angler|Baseball|Basketball|Bass|Bonus Disc|Cabela|Disney|ESPN|F1|FIFA|Football|Golf|Madden|MLB|MLS|NASCAR|NBA|NCAA|NFL|NHL|Nickelodeon|Nick Jr|Nicktoons|PGA|Poker|Soccer|Tennis|Tonka|UFC|WWE)/i" \
--no-bios \
--only-retail \
--single \
--prefer-language EN \
--prefer-region USA,WORLD,EUR,JPN \
--prefer-revision newer \
--writer-threads 1 \
I use the trimmed NKit format for ISOs, which don't make sense to extract, so they're copied as-is. I also exclude some games due to limited SD card size.