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igir is supported on Windows, macOS, Linux, and every other operating system that Node.js supports.

There are a few different installation options offered for igir with varying levels of technical complexity. Every option will require some baseline understanding of command-line interfaces (CLIs).

Via Node.js

npm: version Node.js

The best way to ensure that you are always running the most up-to-date version of igir is to run it via npx which comes installed with Node.js:

npx igir@latest [commands..] [options]

for example:

npx igir@latest copy extract --dat *.dat --input ROMs/ --output ROMs-Sorted/ --dir-dat-name



You can alias the npx command in your macOS or Linux dotfiles like this:

alias igir="npx igir@latest"
alias igir="npx igir@latest"


If you want to help beta test igir, you can run the most bleeding-edge version with the command:

npm exec --yes -- "github:emmercm/igir#main" [commands..] [options]

Via Homebrew (macOS)

Homebrew is third-party package manager for macOS. You can install igir with these simple commands:

brew tap emmercm/igir
brew install igir

You can then update igir with either of these commands

# Update every Homebrew package
brew update

# Update only igir
brew upgrade igir

Via downloaded executable

GitHub: release

If you don't want to download Node.js, you can download executables for various OSes from the GitHub releases page.

Via Docker

If none of the above options work for you, Docker may be an option. You will need to mount your input and output directories as volumes, which will significantly reduce your file read and write speeds.

docker run --interactive --tty --rm ^
  --volume "%cd%:\pwd" ^
  --workdir "/pwd" ^
  node:lts ^
  npx igir@latest copy zip --dat "*.dat" --input ROMs\ --output ROMs-Sorted\ --dir-dat-name
docker run --interactive --tty --rm \
  --volume "$PWD:/pwd" \
  --workdir "/pwd" \
  node:lts \
  npx igir@latest copy zip --dat "*.dat" --input ROMs/ --output ROMs-Sorted/ --dir-dat-name
docker run --interactive --tty --rm \
  --volume "$PWD:/pwd" \
  --workdir "/pwd" \
  node:lts \
  npx igir@latest copy zip --dat "*.dat" --input ROMs/ --output ROMs-Sorted/ --dir-dat-name


Make sure to quote all of your file globs!
