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The EZ-FLASH flash carts for Nintendo handhelds are a cheaper alternative to other flash carts such as the EverDrive.


Because flash carts are specific to a specific console, you can provide specific input directories & DATs when you run igir. For example:

Replace the E:\ drive letter with wherever your SD card is:

igir copy extract test clean ^
  --dat "Nintendo - Game Boy.dat" ^
  --input "ROMs-Sorted\Nintendo - Game Boy" ^
  --output E:\ ^

Replace the /Volumes/EZFLASH drive name with whatever your SD card is named:

igir copy extract test clean \
  --dat "Nintendo - Game Boy.dat" \
  --input "ROMs-Sorted/Nintendo - Game Boy" \
  --output /Volumes/EZFLASH/ \

Replace the /media/EZFLASH path with wherever your SD card is mounted:

igir copy extract test clean \
  --dat "Nintendo - Game Boy.dat" \
  --input "ROMs-Sorted/Nintendo - Game Boy" \
  --output /media/EZFLASH/ \

you can then add some other output options such as the --dir-letter option, if desired.


The EZ-FLASH appears to have issues with fragmented files, in the same way that GameCube's Swiss and PS2's OPL does (igir#802).

You may need to set the option --writer-threads 1 to fix any issues with your specific model.

Even though Hardware Target Game Database uses the word "EverDrive" in their database files, there is no reason you can't use them with other flash carts such as the EZ-FLASH. See an example usage of them in the EverDrive documentation.